

诺哈网2023-07-31 16:26:560


不过话说回来,死记硬背并不是一无是处的,有些记忆的内容找不到规律,那么在规律被找研究出来之前只能靠死记硬背了,比如形容词后面可以接什么样的介词没有规律可循,那么就需要在记忆形容词时,记忆与之配套的介词,如 addicted to,content with 等等,例如:

He never seems content with what he's acheived.他似乎从不满足于自己所取得的成就。

Many of the women are addicted to heroin and cocaine even when they've already realized how they do harm to their health.即使很多女性已经意识到海洛因和可卡因是如何危害自己的健康的,她们也还是对它们成瘾。

一些固定搭配或习语之类的也需要死记硬背,因为它们可能在语法或字面意思上行不通,如 by and large,come what may,face the music,hit the roof 等等,例如:

By and large, she is not that into you.总的来说,她对你没那么感兴趣。

He promised to give me a hand come what may.他答应不管发生什么事都会帮助我。

那么我们在英语中如何表达死记硬背呢?相信没有人按字面来翻译这个成语,不然又是死又是硬的,显得不伦不类,就像我们不能把“不伦不类或非马非驴”意为 neither horse nor donkey,地道的应该是 neither fish nor fowl。

其实英语中就有一个名词 rote 就是死记硬背的意思,其英文解释是:the process of learning sth by repeating it until you remember it rather than by understanding the meaning of it,此时常用于搭配 learn by rote,例如:

Learning by rote is the least efficient method of studying, though it might still prevail among most students, especially in India.尽管死记硬背可能仍然在大多数学生中流行,特别是印度,但它是效率最低的学习方法。

You are merely reciting facts that you have learned by rote. 你只是在背诵自己死记硬背下来的东西。

有时 rote 也可以用作名词形容词,置于名词前面,通常是动名词 learning,来表示死记硬背,例如:

He is very sceptical about the value of rote learning.他非常怀疑死记硬背是否有用。

像 learn by rote 就是一个固定搭配,我们不能用 study by rote,尽管 study 更能形象地描述学生的学习。

当然我们还可以用其他的老式的表达方式 cram,它的本意是“挤满,塞满”,那么用来表示填鸭式学习或死记硬背非常恰当,例如:

She was cramming for her Economics exam; however she failed the exam in the end.她在为经济考试临时抱佛脚。然而,她最终考试不及格。


